Surprising way to get a Liceo scientifico diploma from Italy.

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Liceo scientifico is a type of secondary school in Italy. It is designed to give students the skills to progress to any university or higher educational institution. Order a Liceo scientifico diploma, Buying Liceo Classico diploma, Make Liceo Classico certificate. Students can attend the liceo scientifico after successfully completing middle school (scuola media).

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The curriculum is devised by the Ministry of Education, and emphasises the link between the humanistic tradition and scientific culture. It covers a complete and widespread range of disciplines, including Italian language and literature. mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, anatomy, Earth science, astronomy, history, geography. philosophy, Latin language and Latin literature, English language and English literature. physical education, art history and technical drawing. Students typically study for five years, and attend the school from the age of 14 to 19. At the end of the fifth year all students sit for the esame di Stato, a final examination which leads to the maturitĂ  scientifica.

The current course stems from the Gelmini reform and entered into force on 1 September 2010. Buy a Italy degree certificate. How to buy fake diploma online? Compared to the 1947 course of regulation. there is a significant increase in the number of hours devoted to scientific subjects and a lightening of Latin. At the time the reform came into force, all the experimentations activated were banned. However, a school autonomy is provided which allows each lyceum to redistribute up to 20% of the total hours between the various courses or to activate new ones.